Monday, January 25, 2010

Someone Stole My FlipFlops

I can not even begin to express the anger, hurt and total injustice that I feel when something I want is sold out. It produces a very unhappy Paige, a Paige people don't like to be around, an obsessive, mopey, grudging Paige known to many as Paige Rage. Ruelala, today you have incurred the Paige Rage!

Ruelala is one of those designer markdown sites and today I got an instant message from my loving husband letting me know that Havaianas were on sale there. What a wonderful man I have that despite having just recently blown a huge wad of cash on completely unnecessary pillows, he lets me know that my favorite things in the world are on sale, flip flops (though it was a bit silly of him not to realize that I already knew about it of course). I have a bit of an impulse control problem when it comes to flip flops. I find it impossible to refuse them when they look at me with those pretty little soles. After all, one can NEVER have too many pairs of flip flops. They take up hardly any room in the closet and they are so cheap! A few years ago, my husband pointed out that I had a dozen pairs of flip flops... I actually had more when I counted, and of course I've added more since then, but I digress...

Havaianas. Oprah loves them so you know they must be good right? They're amazing, the best flip flops ever made, and I say that without hyperbole. I even forced my husband to get a pair and he HATES flip flops, but what did he wear every day of our vacation? I have 2 pairs of them, not NEARLY enough. So a Havaianas sale is a perfect way to add to my collection. I browsed the sale and the price was definitely right, a 2 pack for $20. These are normally around $16-$22 a pair, so $20 for 2 pair is great. I found a set I loved with turquoise and white soles and shiny gold thongs and put it in my cart.

Ruelala is a site I've only recently joined, so I wasn't completely familiar with it. I updated my shipping and billing address since I've just moved to a new house. Then I took a look at the other sales going on. When I was sure I wasn't going to buy anything else (only about 5 minutes of browsing), I went to check out. What do I see? A message that says "This item has completely sold out and has been removed from your bag."  EXCUSE ME????  SOMEONE STOLE MY FLIP FLOPS! No ticker letting me know I only had a certain amount of time before the item would expire. No alert letting me know the item was about to be removed. NOTHING. How incredibly rude! Imagine you're at a store and you grab a pair of shoes and put it in your shopping cart. You turn away for a second to look at some delightful sunglasses and when you look back at your cart someone has taken your shoes! Bad shopping etiquette-- it's just NOT DONE!

I hope you're happy, random person with my size 10 season & spring Havaianas set. I hope they give you blisters!

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